We found 54 organizations.
- Environment and climate protection
- Children, young people and families
aha - Tipps und Infos für junge Leute
- Art and culture
ASSITEJ Liechtenstein
- Children, young people and families
CCF - Children Cancer Foundation
- Senior citizens
Demenz Liechtenstein
- Children, young people and families
Eltern Kind Forum
- Education
Erwachsenenbildung Stein Egerta
- Social affairs and health
Familienhilfe Liechtenstein
- Children, young people and families
- Children, young people and families
Familienzentrum "müze"
- Social affairs and health
Frauenhaus Liechtenstein
- Education
Haus Gutenberg
- Development co-operation
Hilfe für Bangladesch
- Children, young people and families
Hilfswerk Liechtenstein
- Senior citizens
Hospizbewegung Liechtenstein
- Social affairs and health
infra - Informations- und Beratungsstelle für Frauen
- Environment and climate protection
- Art and culture
junges Theater Liechtenstein
- Social affairs and health
KIT - Kriseninterventionsteam Liechtenstein
- Art and culture
Kulturverein TRIANGEL
- Education
Kunstschule Liechtenstein
- Sport and leisure
Leichtathletik Club Schaan - LCS
- Social affairs and health
Liechtensteiner Behindertenverband
- Senior citizens
Liechtensteiner Seniorenbund
- Environment and climate protection
Liechtensteinische Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz
- Education
Liechtensteinische Musikschule
- Education
- Development co-operation
Mali Kinderhilfe Liechtenstein
- Art and culture
MUS-E Liechtenstein
- Children, young people and families
Netzwerk Familie
- Children, young people and families
Ombudsstelle für Kinder und Jugendliche (OSKJ)
- Education
Private Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein
- Children, young people and families
ROKJ Rheintal-Liechtenstein
- Social affairs and health
Sachwalterverein Liechtenstein
- Social affairs and health
- Environment and climate protection
Solargenossenschaft Liechtenstein
- Children, young people and families
SOS-Kinderdorf (Liechtenstein) e.V.
- Sport and leisure
Special Olympics Liechtenstein
- Social affairs and health
Stiftung LIACHT
- Social affairs and health
Stiftung Liachtbleck
- Children, young people and families
Stiftung Offene Jugendarbeit Liechtenstein
- Children, young people and families
Stiftung SOS-Kinderdorf SV
- Social affairs and health
- Social affairs and health
Streetwork Liechtenstein
- Art and culture
The Princely Liechtenstein Tattoo
- Environment and climate protection
Turtle Foundation
- Children, young people and families
UNICEF Schweiz und Liechtenstein
- Education
Universität Liechtenstein
- Social affairs and health
Verein für Betreutes Wohnen in Liechtenstein
- Development co-operation
Verein für humanitäre Hilfe
- Social affairs and health
Verein für Männerfragen e.V.
- Social affairs and health
Verein für Menschenrechte
- Sport and leisure
Verein Hindernislauf Liechtenstein
- Children, young people and families
Verein Kindertagesstätten Liechtenstein